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Kinkora Regional High School 170 TAK Available

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Unit 1. Fundamental issues in morality -- Issue 1. Is morality relativism correct? -- Issue 2. Does morality need religion? -- Issue 3. Is Ayn Rand's ethical egoism correct? -- Unit 2. Gender, sex, and reproduction -- Issue 4. Is abortion immoral? -- Issue 5. Must sex involve commitment? -- Issue 6. Should same-sex marriage be allowed? -- Issue 7. Should human cloning be banned? -- Unit 3. Law and society -- Issue 8. Is cloning pets ethically justified? -- Issue 9. Should Congress allow the buying and selling of human organs? -- Issue 10. Should drugs be legalized? -- Issue 11. Is gambling immoral? -- Issue 12. Is affirmative action fair? -- Issue 13. Should handguns be banned? -- Issue 14. Should the death penalty be abolished? -- Issue 15. Is torture ever justified? -- Issue 16. Is physician-assisted suicide wrong? -- Unit 4. Human beings and other species -- Issue 17. Does morality require vegetarianism?