The Hawthorne legacy / ; By Barnes, Jennifer

Format:Rumors spread that Tobias Hawthorne's lost son may still be alive, casting doubt on seventeen-year-old Avery's inheritance and changing the rules of the game.
Physical Details: 358 pages ; 22 cm.
Record No.:414638
Type/Format Call Number Location Due Date Last Seen Barcode
02. English Fiction Mystery F BAR Colonel Gray High School 2024-10-24 GRAY385056
02. English Fiction F BAR Stonepark Intermediate School 2024-10-25 STPK22888
02. English Fiction F BAR Summerside Intermediate School 2024-06-27 SISX28342
02. English Fiction F BAR Three Oaks Senior High School 2024-11-26 2024-10-15 TOSH27160
02. English Fiction F BAR Three Oaks Senior High School 2024-06-24 TOSH26544
02. English Fiction F BAR Kensington Intermediate Senior High 2024-06-20 KISH10768
02. English Fiction F BAR Kinkora Regional High School 2023-10-16 KRHS8387
02. English Fiction F BAR Athena Consolidated School 2024-05-21 ACSX28464
02. English Fiction F BAR Birchwood Intermediate School 2024-09-24 BISX17372
02. English Fiction F BAR Queen Charlotte Intermediate School 2024-09-30 2024-09-09 QCHS24565
02. English Fiction F BAR Westisle Composite High School 2024-10-03 a0113100110684a
02. English Fiction F BAR Montague Intermediate School 2023-01-09 MISX11082
02. English Fiction F BAR East Wiltshire Intermediate School 2024-11-12 EWSX17066
02. English Fiction F BAR Kinkora Regional High School 2022-03-24 KRHS8214
02. English Fiction Mystery F BAR Colonel Gray High School 2024-11-12 GRAY384101
02. English Fiction Mystery F BAR Colonel Gray High School 2024-06-05 GRAY384014
02. English Fiction F BAR Summerside Intermediate School 2024-10-03 2024-09-12 SISX27946
02. English Fiction F BAR Bluefield High School 2024-10-23 BLUE29862